Tuesday 23 October 2012

HACKING - A Good practise >= A Bad thing

All of us have listen or sometimes have an experience in hacking.

People steal their friend's passwords and say's that its very bad news that yours Account has been hacked.
They show their Sympathy towards their friends or the victim's.WHAT a difference in behaviour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAKE PEOPLE in this world? I am also one of the victim's  who account has been hacked.What a Great  ambuigity/Confusion in the people mind in the concept of  Hackers and Crackers.People think that both of them are of the same type.

BUT ITS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Not an ACTUAL Fact:

IN real sense there is a huge difference between these two technical terms.Both of them are related to each other but have a different purposes or the differ mind set.
Lets us go through some technical terms about Ethical hacking

Ethical hacking=Ethical + Hacking>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ethical hacking are the technique in which a person(a white hat hacker) performs some type of testing to check the vuluneritics in the network or in the system.

1:Hackers:-These are the good guys or the technical people who's purpose is to provide the security towards our systems.The main aim of Ethical hackers are strengths our network security,checking for holes in the network security.Hackers do some type of testing in our network so that we remain safe from the internet SCAMS or to become safe from the CYBER World.They have all the access rights to explore the system or to check the system weaknesses.
In my personal terms - A hackers are those brilliant minded techical worms who are always busy in exploring something new.They use their mind in the positive way to protect us from the CYBER WORLD.The miodset of ethical hacking is to discover vulnerabilities from a Bad/malicious attacker’s viewpoint to better secure systems or networks.

2:Crackers:-These are the bad guys or the mad techincal people who's purpose is to just destroy something. Crackers are the technical people who mind only works for the purpose of hurting people by doing scams with them etc.Crackers always works for the negative or the bad purpose.Crackers simply AIM is to Earn more amd more money as they can Via any way Whether it is LEGAL or NOT.Crackers have the mindset that they want to distruct everthing that is going in the right path.The basic involving practice that Crackers does are:

  • Hack the passwords.
  • Hyperlinking websites to the adult websites
  • Sending Fake E-Mails to Victim's to attract them to the LOTTERY system's Etc.
  • Steal Money via online Transaction 
  • By Creating Phisking/Fake websites (Eg:-How to make money)
  • Stealing Organisation / Personal  Documents Via Hacking the system
  • By Blackmailing

Types of Hackers:

  1. 1.White Hat Hackers:- Good one's or the Ethical Hackers
  2. 2.Grey Hat Hackers:-Middle minded or both the types sometimes Good or Bad.They work only by the order of their mind.   
  3. 3.Black Hat Hackers:-All the Bad or the Blacklisted guys comes under this category.they involve in some type of ILLEGAL practice

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